Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wigs for fashion, or fun?

One day when I was facebook-ing as usual, I saw huichuin's photos of her Taiwan trip and was shocked to see her new hairstyle. At first I really thought that she had cut her hair and dyed it, but later on, after using my brain to analyse, I reckon she must be wearing a WIG.

Watch this interesting video and be amazed by the Japanese fashion nowadays.

OMG right? I don't mean that they are insane or what, but rather, woah..super chio!
You can make your short hair long, or even vice versa! So wigs are now not only for bald people okay.

Back to the topic, I went to her house that day. Being piqued by curiosity, I asked her to show us the....umm, prop? LOL. She bought it from Taiwan, at a reasonably cheaper price.

And when she took it out to show us, all of us were like, OHHH MYYY !! Kawaii :)
It's so much fun to play with wigs, honestly. Hahaha. I mean, you can have a new hairstyle temporarily without damaging your hair.

Thus, how could I let this golden chance flip through my fingers? You know, I heard that there's a shop in Queensbay Mall that allows you to try on their wigs for RM5 each before you decide to buy.

But here in her house, I can put on and play and cam-whore until I syok for free. LOL. Thanks to our generous lao lao. =) grandma was quite interested after I showed her these photos. =)